Check out my previous post. I know most of it is about the trains but there are other things that happen like flooded schools (all the drainage gets blocked up and then it rains), leaking shopping centre (our local Westfield was built in a time of drought), flooded roads.
I’ve never been outside in weather like today’s. The wind was incredible and the rain didn’t stop. I was nearly in Mary Poppins mode with my umbrella, but I ended up looking more like this: .
This evening’s headlines include:
Tough search for missing family
Iemma declares natural disaster
Fears ship could break up
I will probably regret saying this, but send some rain down here. It is so dry that the earth is cracking.
Hehe, it’s that fine line between moistening the earth and floodwaters isn’t it? It seems that it’s somewhat cleared up – perhaps it’s on it’s way to you now.