I have finally finished processing all the photos from my trip to Paris & Switzerland! Here are some from WordCamp Europe. See the full album on Flickr.

I have finally finished processing all the photos from my trip to Paris & Switzerland! Here are some from WordCamp Europe. See the full album on Flickr.
WordCamp Europe is off to an amazing start! w00t! #wceu is on pic.twitter.com/keIlf8ZREW — Kristen Symonds (@kristarella) June 16, 2017 We had Contributor Day yesterday, which was jam-packed and seemed to go really well. I liked having it before the conference this time, rather than afterwards, which was the case last year. This venue is […]
Woot! WordCamp Europe (WCEU) is just a few days away; and as I write I am in the airport lounge doing some work, enjoying some dessert, and thinking about WordCamp. I love WordCamps in general for a number of reasons. In no particular order some of those are: learning teaching amazing community swag inspiration community […]
There have been a number of day in the life posts that all provide a unique perspective on being a Happiness Engineer at Automattic. This week there are going to be even more! So what’s a Happiness Engineer (HE)? An HE is essentially a support person guru. You might also be wondering what Automattic is… it’s not […]
WordPress has had a mobile app for a long time, but you might not realise just how much it has improved! I find myself using it more and more to write posts, especially when I’ve taken pictures on my phone that I want to include. Check it out! This is on iOS. The layout is […]
Update: 11 Oct 2017: For a while now WordPress.com has made it possible to install themes and plugins on the WordPress.com Business plan. These new sites are a bit of a hybrid of .org and .com as described below. I will try to update the info-graphic soon. The eternal debate confusion decision: do I want WordPress.org or WordPress.com? […]