It’s the 1st of October. Accordingly, I have made my blog a little pinker! The purpose of the pink this month is to raise awareness of breast cancer related issues, encourage support for research, and support breast cancer patients and their families.
For the start of this pink month cast your peepers over some of the things I posted last year.
- Mum’s Story — Mum shared her experience of breast cancer with us
- Seven year old memories — my own memories from when Mum had breast cancer.
- A Pocket Full of Sequins — this book of personal stories is still available from the National Breast Cancer Foundation
- Cancer is what now? — the biologists attempt to explain what cancer actually is for you!
- Lymphodema: not “all over” — Mum talks about one of the complications of breast tumor removal surgery

Check out the Pink for October website for articles, personal accounts, joining the effort and donating to good causes!
I know that there are a lot of causes out there. There’s a lot of horrible things in our world. If you don’t feel compelled to give money to breast cancer research, I understand. There’s a lot of scientific research going on into a whole lot of things and it’s pretty hard to consider one type of health (or mal-health) more important than another. However, please do take this opportunity to think about the disease and how it affects people and everyone connected with the people who get it. Spare a thought or prayer for them and what you might be able to do to help.
pink looks good 🙂
btw, which font are you using on your blog ?
Love what you’re doing here Kristarella! I like doing the charity awareness blogs, I’m prepping my Movember blogs now actually, fun fun!
Thanks dinu! I tried to make it a non-garish shade of pink!
Umm, have to look up CSS 😛 I’m using Arial (Helvetica lovers probably writhing!) for the main stuff, Georgia for the headings and Times New Roman for the post and comment info.
Thanks Mat 🙂
Look forward to seeing your Movember efforts! I really hate moustaches! Except maybe Tom Seleck’s, but it’s a bit of fun (and grossness) for a good cause.
Hard to believe that a year has passed since you first ‘went pink’! Tis good to reread the stories – it brings back memories – not all bad. So proud of you!