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Thirteen random things.
I don’t think I’ve ever done a random one. 1. I’m having dinner with my girlfriends at Pancakes on the Rocks tonight! 2. I brought my camera with me today, hopefully I’ll get some photos in the city tonight. 3. There was a political demonstration at central station this morning. Socialists were handing out newspaper and leaflets about getting rid of Prime Minister Howard. I didn’t take any, I never read those things and I don’t think he’s that bad – it could be worse. I also got some photos of the demonstration and police with their horses. I didn’t get a pic of the “Australian Communist Party” sign that I wanted to. 4. I have four emails in my inbox that I don’t really want to read right now. 5. I fixed my photoblog comments! I don’t know when I broke them, or if I’d never really fixed them properly from when I broke it trying to install an anti-spam thing. It’s all better now though. 6. It occurred to me this week that Dido is surely not her original name, she must at least have a last name. It seems her record producing brother goes by one name as well, Rollo. I was in JB Hifi and heard Dido singing a song I’d never heard, I wondered if she had a new album but it turns out that she features on some of Faithless’ albums because Rollo produces them. I should find out if I like other Faithless songs. 7. I could barely stop crying all day yesterday. It was weird and sad. It sort of puts things in perspective though, I feel much happier today. 8. My job is looking even more non-existent for next year. It seems the one person that was maybe staying, if he got funding, may move to Oregon. His wife almost definitely has a great job with a new ethanol company there. 9. I brought my favourite jacket with me in case it gets cool tonight and I discovered a big brownish stain on it (possibly sweat sinceit’s been hanging on the back of my chair in the study for a while), I knew there were some marks but this was huge. I’ve taken it to the dry cleaners so I can wear a clean jacket tonight 🙂 10. I’m thinking of having an afternoon tea at our unit on Christmas eve for the part of the family we won’t have a big meal with. We decided to alternate Christmas lunch with my mum and mother-in-law. This year is my mum’s turn but I don’t think we can get away with not seeing my mother-in-law. We see father-in-law on Christmas eve for dinner before the late communion service at church. 11. Hubby and I have been playing the free computer version of Settlers of Catan called Pioneers. It’s really good. I think this is my favourite kind of game because it requires some strategy but also depends on the luck of the dice roll. If games were only strategy I would never win 😛 12. We also played Mario Kart racing and Mortal Kombat on the SNES last night. My Nintendo skills are seriously lame. :sheepish: 13. I decided this week when I was putting some clothes away that I’m going to go through my clothes and throw everything that I haven’t worn in one year away. I don’t have enough room for my clothes and there are things that don’t fit and don’t suit and if I survived this winter and last summer without them I can survive the rest of my life without them. Of course I won’t just garbage perfectly reasonable clothes, I’ll put them in a clothing bin. I think I’ll start sorting through them tomorrow. Put your Thursday Thirteen link here. |
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I need to clean out my closet, too!
Hope your dinner was fabulous!
Nothing makes you appreciate a good day like having a crying day.
What is Pancakes on the Rocks?
It’s a pancake restaurant in The Rocks in Sydney.
I’m glad you’re feeling better today than yesterday!
Thanks for stopping by my TT! 🙂
I just did # 13 today. I gave away all of my clothes that I no longer need. What a great feeling it was. Happy TT!!
Dido probably has a really ordinary last name something like Smith / Jones / Higgins etc … Off to find out!
Oh no … not boring at all –> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dido_(singer)
Oooh, Pancakes on the Rocks? Does that have Kahlua (sp?) in it? 😀
Hope you had a great time with your friends! Wish I could wear a jacket….too warm!!! Great list…Thanks for sharing!
I see you like games. We have an XBox 360 that we love 🙂
You are correct..That is a random list. Hope you get good pics
a nice and varied list… all the best with your job situation and have a nice time with your friends….
I think we all have had days where crying was the only thing to do. Hope everything works out with your job- I know how frustrating it can be. Happy TT.
Random lists are great to get to know someone a bit better. I like your list!
My TT is about Sinterklaas.
Pancakes on the Rocks was one of the only places open on New Year’s Day when I was in Sydney, and boy, were those pancakes good!
I love Dido! I always listen to her when I’m stressed, which is a lot. 😀
I try to do that too, go through my clothes every year and give away what I havn’t worn for the past 12 months. I ususally end up finding stuff I had totally forgotten about. Hmm, me thinks I shop too much. lol
Happy TT!
Great list! Pancakes on the Rocks? I’m intrigued…
Great randomness… it is always fun to throw those in!
Have a good time tonight!
I’m happy you’re feeling better today. Just keep on going! :coffee:
But I have days I’m always close to break-down. (I have today, coz it’s PMS-Time… :shrug:
And I love love LOVE your blog!
I would be very happy if we could get to know more about each other!
Hugs and Happy TT from Germany,
Is anything truly random? I think random things are just related in non-linear areas. Good list.
BTW my Thursday Thirteen # 21 is up. It is the Photo Church Tour Edition Stop by if you get a chance!