I am really enjoying knots and learning to tie new knots! I even figured out a knot that I couldn’t find anyone having written about! It’s #785 in The Ashley Books of Knots. I posted how to tie it on knots.blog: Long Crown & Diamond Knot (ABoK #785)

I am really enjoying knots and learning to tie new knots! I even figured out a knot that I couldn’t find anyone having written about! It’s #785 in The Ashley Books of Knots. I posted how to tie it on knots.blog: Long Crown & Diamond Knot (ABoK #785)
Thesis 2.0 needed a “box” (similar to a template part) to establish bbPress compatibility. Thesis 2.1 doesn’t need the box anymore; you just need to check that your skin settings display the content on any page that needs to display bbPress pages. Show The Content In order to show the content on all bbPress pages […]
by kristarella
It surprised me how long it took me to find anything about adding icons to bbPress forums! It wasn’t until it occurred to me that a useful way to implement them would be to use WordPress featured images and searched for forum featured images that I made some progress. In the end it is really […]
by kristarella
I just released Exifography 1.1.3, which includes the ability to add unique IDs and classes to the HTML output of your EXIF data. EXIF block ID In order to add the image ID to the EXIF container HTML use %s where you want the ID to appear. E.g., <ul class=”exif” id=”%s”> The output for that […]
by kristarella
Update 29 Oct 2012: Thesis 2.0.1 includes a more extensive skin manager (located via the Manager tab in the Skin Editor), which allows you to backup skin states and reset a skin to its default settings, so you shouldn’t need the below instructions. They should still work if you follow them though. Hey, so you’ve […]
by kristarella
Update 26 Oct 2012: Thesis 2.0.1 is out and you shouldn’t need to go through this install procedure. My tests have shown that the skins are automatically installed and configured on new Thesis installs. Thesis 2.0 is out, and it is a completely different animal to Thesis 1.x! I’m sure it’s capable of some amazing […]