I was offered some POM Wonderful to try and review here. Of course, I said yes, because who doesn’t want to try new things? Free stuff for a review is cool too. So, from the top… The packaging is nice. I like the shape, the labelling is quite minimalistic and a bit funky.
My life & thoughts
Photography with a capital ‘P’
I was listening to the TackSharp podcast [ref]Specifically TackSharp episode four[/ref] while I was doing the dishes [ref]Doing the dishes is generally the only time I have enough time and concentration to listen to podcasts[/ref] and James Duncan Davidson said something that made me think “Yeah, right on! I’m going to blog that.” [ref]I don’t […]
This week in kristarella
I can’t quite believe it: it’s been a week since I last posted; it’s two and a half weeks until Christmas; it’s less than one week until we go away on camp. Hubby and I are leading on a sailing camp for kids about 9–12 years old— the theme is “Commando” (costume ideas are welcome)! […]
Cooking with Mat
This week I tried Mat’s Satay Chicken and lasagne. The first thing I have to say is “Yum!” Watch out for the tumeric in the chicken marinade. My fingernails went a little bit yellow after threading the chicken on the skewers! Also, milk that satay sauce for all it’s worth ’cause it’s goooood! Sadly I […]
Movember is on!
Hey crew, Hope you had a good Halloween, or lack there of (as I did). Just a short note to say w00t! I handed in my thesis yesterday. I am now free to do stuff I enjoy, plus some cooking and cleaning and real life stuff. Sweet. Also, last month was Breast Cancer Awareness month. […]
Now That You Are Back – Blue Day 2008
Blue Day As well as Breast Cancer Awareness month, October is Anxiety and Depression Awareness (ADA) month. In amongst all the pink for Breast Cancer Awareness month, I have taken this day, October 10th, to send kristarella.com blue(ish) for Blue Day (World Mental Health Day). Now That You Are Back This week I read Now […]