I have spoken about depression and anxiety before. I have made some significant strides lately in thinking more positively, and dealing with many of the symptoms I experience, but occasionally things are overwhelming and I just have no idea what to do about it.
I know others can feel the same way; it’s why “mindfulness” and “self care” are such common phrases now.
Earlier in the year I saw this post on tumblr, Everything Is Awful and I’m Not Okay: questions to ask before giving up. It is very good, and although the author has provided a printable PDF, for some reason (possibly an obsession with icons and emojis 😛) I created my own.
Of course, when I was struggling to process some bad news this week, I completely forgot about that particular gem. I had no idea what to do, and I reached out to a few people for help. All of them were helpful in different ways, and they reminded me to do things that I should have remembered on my own.
- Breathe
- Listen to music
- Play some music
- Write
- Go for a walk
- Do something else enjoyable (for me that is something crafty)
In the hopes of remembering those things next time, I have made a graphic for myself.

If you find the same things helpful you can download this image. If not, I created it with Canva using an infographic template; you could make your own.
This is a brilliant idea Kristarella. I too suffer from depression and anxiety and am trying to help others through my website, so I think I’ll take a look at Canva and see what I can do for my followers.
Bless you, for being open and sharing.
Regards, Mike.