These holidays I took advantage of my husband’s new woodworking hobby to make a better yarn swift!
My previous one was cobbled together from pieces found at Bunnings (hardware store) and it worked okay, but seemed to get worse with each use. The wing nut on the top would keep tightening down and locking the arms, the arms would bang on the corners of the wood making the whole base move, or just making the winding jerky. Also, I didn’t realise before I started using this, but the skein gets looser as you wind more of it up, so having pegs that are easy to move to keep the skein taut is useful.
This is the previous one:

For version 2 we took the idea from Steve Ramsey’s video and modified it to work with things we could find at the store. We couldn’t find the rotating hose attachment he used, so we used a door runner, a long bolt, and some epoxy.
Result! (click/tap to play video)
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