Recently I went looking for a way to copy or move tags to a new taxonomy. I was a bit surprised that I couldn’t find anything. There’s no WordPress function that just does it, and the few taxonomy management plugins I found either haven’t been updated in years, or didn’t seem to work (at least not to do what I needed).
I’ve used the WordPress Category to Tags Converter on this blog before, but that only works for categories and tags, no other taxonomies. So, using that plugin as a basis I have written the Taxonomy Converter. It can copy or convert terms from their original taxonomy to another taxonomy, or even copy to multiple taxonomies. Posts associated with the original taxonomy terms remain associated with the terms in their new taxonomies too.

I’ve submitted this plugin to the WordPress plugin repository, but I’m not sure how long it will take to be approved, assuming it is approved. In the mean time you can download it here.
Version 1.1 is now in the WordPress Plugin Directory!
Just now I downloaded this from the WP repository. It worked like magic, copying categories to tags on about 300 posts. Thank you!
Excellent! You’re welcome 🙂
When I converted my custom taxonomies to categories unfortunately your plugin didn’t maintain the hierarchy. Is this normal?
Pete, yes, I don’t think i have it set up to maintain hierarchies. Most of my purposes have involved at least one non-hierarchical taxonomy. Good idea though.
Are you going to update the plugin to allow hierarchies?
Hello Kristarella,
Just like Pete above the hierarchy of my copied taxonomy was not maintained. I did not see your response to Pete’s question on it we should expect (or do you already have) an update that will maintain hierarchy levels.
Anyhow, thanks for the plugin
Hi Tayo,
Sorry I didn’t see this comment earlier. The hierarchy bug is fixed.
Hi there,
excellent plugin.
I am looking for something similiar so hopefully, you can help.
Do you think you can add a way to auto copy terms (text) entered to a custom field (of admins choice) to a taxonomy (of admins choice).
To have an example:
Think of something like an ingredient list for recipes.
Fields are: name, amount, unit, info, url…
Now, when admin or user (frontend form) enteres custom field values (for example “sugar” to ne field “name”, the taxonomy “sugar” should be auto generated.
Hope you see what I mean 🙂
Hi Holi,
This is beyond the scope of my plugin. You might be able to use something like a form that can edit posts (like Gravity Forms) to do that. It might be unruly to let site visitors add taxonomies to posts though.