I’m sure I’ve been neglecting my blog. Things have been fairly busy and to be honest I didn’t think the world wanted to know every mundane detail of my life, so I didn’t have something particularly interesting to say.
This morning was rather sad. I spent most of the morning trying to use several different pieces of software and plugins to try to analyse some protein experiment data, mostly to no avail. Then I discovered that I only got 68 or a touch over for an exam. I didn’t think the exam was particularly difficult and I thought I would do better, given that I actually studied.
I got to work after that and one of the med students was sprawled all over my desk. That pretty much pissed me off. I had lunch and tried not to get too angry. I wonder if I should have said something though, it’s not really okay to just come in and boot me off my desk of two years. Granted he didn’t know I was coming in because it seems that no one is capable of reading my timetable above my desk where I’ve clearly marked the times I’m in the lab…
Apart from uni work and not updating my blog (or my blogging software for that matter) I’ve been doing some graphic things. A 3D stone one , going for a zen sort of feeling; and a vector silhouette scene
Also, my friends had their engagement party on Sunday. It was really nice. The weather was perfect; cool air and warm sun. Their wedding photographer (and friend) couldn’t make it so I took some photos. I toyed with the idea of getting into photography (somewhat professionally) a while ago – I think I would need some serious training, maybe some apprentice work, if I were to do such a thing. Taking nice photos isn’t necessarily the hard part, although lighting can get tricky, the difficult part is getting people (especially people you don’t know) to either pose for a photo or stay natural in a photo, not rigid and not turn away.
Crazy rest of the week coming up! I have a report due tomorrow. I have week two of the mini project on Thursday. We have brief, informal, but still researched presentations to do on Friday. Then the church weekend away – so we need to fit in dish-washing before then because I don’t want to come home to several species of fungus on the crockery…
On that pleasant note I’m off to bed. 😀