We saw Casino Royale on Thursday night. Just the day before, a friend at work said that it was really bad. Too much pouting and a bit lame. That only made me want to see it more so that I could form my own opinion. I really liked it!
I’ve heard people complain that there was too much pouting by Daniel Craig. I can see where they were coming from but he didn’t really dwell on things so it was just pout and then get over it, so I thought it was bearable.
I heard that the opening was more like a Mike Meyers spoof. I thought the song was much more like the older Bond songs than the more recent ones and the opening images were quite vector graphicy but I liked them. They weren’t too bright, they were very clever and very well done (not just swirling circles everywhere like in Austin Powers, or what I seem to remember those being like anyway), there were people getting shot and exploding into hearts or spades. It was a welcome relief to silhouettes of mostly naked women.
There was an excellent foot chase that was a nice refresher from car chases. They didn’t do that much with gadgets in this one, or it was less noticeable because Q (or R) wasn’t there giving the run down on all the new technology. I liked it.
Some said that Daniel Craig wasn’t as suave as they thought Bond should be. I would suggest that the Bond in Ian Flemming’s books (from what I’ve heard) wasn’t the sophisticated ladies man that we think he should be and this movie seemed to be set at the start of his career so perhaps he gathered more style over his career.
One of the only things that I didn’t like was when he was going to sleep with a married woman for information, she was completely willing to sleep with him even if he was only trying to get information, and he claimed to prefer married women. I guess I am a little touchy on the subject but I just think that people should stop breaking the promises they’ve made to their spouses. They promise “until death do us part” but then they bitch and moan (rather than trying to work problems out) and sleep with other people until their marriage is irrecoverable.
I was a little worried when I saw Ivana Milicevic at the beginning I thought she was going to be the bond girl, thank goodness she wasn’t because that just would not do. Eva Green did a great job, I really liked her and her character.
What is it with Judy Dench? She is looking pretty good for an old girl! She’s sassy and her clothes get sexier with each movie. They’re not inappropriate or anything but she was showing some figure which is more than I’ve seen for most women her age.
Daniel Craig wasn’t bad either, I liked Pierce Brosnan but I can stand to look at Crag a bit more too. 😉
It was quite funny the way they tailored the advertisements before the movie to the audience. There was a Rexona for men ad that was funny. Cars were going around corners on two wheels, a police officer swings his car around from one side of the road to the other to pick up a coffee, a guy punches through the mirror in the bathroom instead of opening the cabinet to get to his deodorant then jumps out his window onto a movie bus, sits down and starts reading his book!
Overall the movie was cool.
I liked it too but i could do without the pout and I thought he could have been a little taller (as he was quite short for a Bond). He was rough around the edges but that is how bond is supposed to be as we have to be reminded that it is the beginning of his career. He gets smoother and suave as he gains experience. Brosnan’s good and his Bond movies were really went over the top with those — this one’s has more of a lower budget feel. I couldn’t believe that he actually drove a ford focus as a rental car in the beginning of the movie though — they could have done with a more expensive car.
We do have to remember, that technically, this is the first mission Bond is doing as a “00-Agent”…As Foo said…he gains suave and sass as he gains experience…i.e…each mission, he’s more suave…Compare Dr. No, with The World Is Not Enough…(I think Die Another Day was just a bit plastic)…Hire Cars in Jamaica…to be honest…it’s not like a Car Rental place at a Jamaican airport will be stocking Aston Martins, Bentley’s and Jaguars…but, at first…I thought it looked as though Ford had supplied all the cars for the movie, until I saw Bentley’s…because Aston Martin, Jaguar, Land Rover (and Ford itself) use Ford engines…wow, i’m writing a long thingy here…anyway, all up I give it:
:up: :up: :up: :up: :up: (a.k.a 5 Thumbs UP)
Top Shelf Movie…Daniel Craig better be on for a few more…
(If you got to here…congratulations…I probably rambled on a bit…)
Yeh, that’s what I meant by “start of his career”.
I kind of liked Die Another Die, there was a lot of plastic surgery (or not really, it was changing DNA but there’s no reason why changing internal DNA would so dramatically change your outward appearance) in it, but I don’t think that’s what you meant by “plastic” huh?
True…by Plastic I meant…too…fake…
Although ALL Bond films have “out-there” plots…African Conflict diamond smuggling…DNA remodeling etc etc…toooooooo Far-fetched for a Bond Film…although good concept with the Aston Martin “Vanish”…too plastic for my liking :up: :up: :up: :down: :down:
(My film grading system hehehe)