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Thirteen abbreviations it took me a while to get.
Don’t worry, I’m not as ignorant these days, but if you’re new to the world of abbreviations maybe this will help you 🙂 1. SAHM – the first blog I saw this on was that wife of an army man so I thought it was an army abbreviation, until I saw it in many other places. Finally it clicked, “Stay at home Mom”. 2. BRB – IM (instant messaging) was a bit interesting when I just started out. I had to ask what this meant… be right back. 3. LOL – I’m not sure how I learned this one but I’m sure I didn’t understand the first time I saw it. 4. ROFLMAO – Once hubby told me that this meant “rolling on floor laughing my arse off” the next one… 5. ROFL – kind of fell into place. 6. Pdoc – actually I still don’t know what this means… it’s one person’s personal abbreviation for a kind of doctor, I’m thinking maybe a psychiatrist or psychologist. 7. STFU – I just had to look at it for a while, the coin dropped eventually. 8. OMFGSTFU, it just takes a little staring to see what’s happening. 9. NAB – this is the National Australia Bank. I always just thought of it as National, so their big poster on the bus stop where NAB was the only identifier really worked for me 😛 10. <3 - it's a heart 11. Imho - this one didn't take me long but I have only seen it in very recent times 12. @->—– hubby, when he was boyfriend signed of an email with this. It’s a rose 😛 13. GTG – if someone is in too much of a hurry to write out “I’ve got to go” I guess they don’t have time to explain this one to their ignorant chatters eh? Put your Thursday Thirteen link here. |
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Keeping up with the abbreviations is hard sometimes. LOL
Pdoc…yep, psych doc.
#6 & 9 are foreign to me, but I knew all the rest. It’s like another language, isn’t it? 😉
My TT is up, too.
LOL… STFU took me a minute too. Too many abreviations just annoy the crap out of me. Although I do use LOL (and all the exaggerations of it), BTW, FYI and ASAP relentlessly.
TLA’s can drive a person batty sometimes. Hey, I thought Pdoc was a gyno? Times are changing.
I still don’t know what 11 is…hahaha
This was a very cool list..
Mine is up too.
Oops, my bad! It’s “In my humble opinion”.
You missed one of my faves, PITA 🙂
funny how such abbreviations have become a way of life 🙂
to this day, when I see SAHM, I think of wam bam, thank you ma’am.
Happy TT!
I don’t know #7. I can guess the OMFG at the beginning of #8, but I can’t figure out 7…am I slow?? Anyway, when I first started a message board I had a hard time with abbreviations at first. Especially DH. It was an expecting club, and I thought maybe it meant designated hitter, like in baseball, meaning the guy who got the woman pregnant,LOL. I soon figured out it meant dear husband. Now it’s second nature, I refer to my DH all the time. Liked your 13!
Yeh, those abbrevitations weird me out sometimes because they can be used for every member of the family and if I’m new to a blog I don’t know if it’s someone initials or what. Eventually I figured out that DD is dear daughter, or darling daughter not some guy at work 😛
okay I only recognized about half. Shows how slow I am!
:huh: still cant figure out STFU
What a cool list! Most of these I know but I have a teenager who uses them alot! When we IM each other I have to learn or be lost! Thanks for the share! Mine is up. Have a great Thursday! 🙂
i’m still learning and i have been doing this for far too long. your list helps.
i’m new to your blog. i hope you will stop by mine and see my tt this week.
i’m ignorant. what is STFU and OMFGSTFU? haha. funny list.
my list is up!
Since so many have asked… STFU is shut the fuck up. See I avoided typing it out because I try not to swear but oh well, there it is.
some of them I still dont get!
Abbreviations can get a little much. Teenagers type chat messages to one another like that. I’ve decided it’s because most of them type by the hunt and peck method, and it’s easier to abbreviate.
My TT isup.
Yes, the internet has it’s own lovely group of abbreviations! Some of my teacher friends are frustrated with their students these days, because they turn in papers full of IM (Instant Messenger) speak – they don’t use proper English anymore! :O My 13 are up. 🙂 :cheers:
I have no idea what the STFU means?
I worked for AOL, so I had to learn all those IM abbreviations really fast!
LOL the things I never think of people not knowing!! Ours is up – 13 things I’m doing once we recover from this sickness!!
ROFL took me a while too.:P There are abbreviations that took me a while too…like TTYL (Talk to you later). Haha. I always thought it was something else. :))
Happy Thursday! 🙂
I don’t know what some of those mean even now. It drives me insane to see how the kids talk to each other.
Happy T13!
This was a great idea for a list! I use WAHM (work at home Mom) on my blog often and rarely do people know what I mean. The one that used to stump me though was GMTA (Good minds think alike.)
A few of those have me stumped ~ STFU, OMFGSTFU, Pdoc
My TT is up, stop on by!
Happy Thursday!
Well, I have to say, I still don’t know one or two of those… ones that I have never even seen before.
It took me awhile to learn all the other abbreviations to everything too.
I spend a lot of time on internet message boards related to pregnancy and it introduced me to a whole new world of abbreviations: DH, DS, BFP, TTC, RE, BF…they even had abbreviations for some really sort of nasty things I never thought anyone would ever bother to abbreviate.
I remember the first time I saw AFK while chatting years ago…it took me forever to figure out Away from keyboard! oh, and like christina mentioned, DH, that one took me awhile too! Entire familes of DS, DD, DH, etc…dear daughter, dear husband, etc.
Great list but I still don’t know what #7 + 8 are?
Okay, I still don’t get all of them, but you gave me a few new ones.
Tht ws rly njybl. I hd no prblm wth ny v thm.
I lnkd 2 u frm TT – 13 Converts to Islam