Last Thursday Denise issued a challenge for this week’s 13…
“I would like to challenge all Thirteeners to come up with 13 things they like about themselves on the next Thursday 13…September 7.
I feel like we, as women, spend so much time scrutinizing ourselves that we sometimes forget the good stuff.â€
It seemed slightly indulgent and it was the most difficult list I’ve written in a while but here goes…
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Thirteen things I like about me.
1. My lips, I think they’re a good size and shape. 2. My eyes, they’re a good colour – greenish. 3. I like that I like Sci-Fi, it seems like most girls just don’t get it. 4. I love that I’m willing to learn new things. At the moment I’m a bit excited about changing to a Linux based operating system. I’m quite quick at picking things up and remembering how to do things. 5. Like #3 I like that I like action movies and the sort of movies that hubby wants to watch. 6. I like my height, I’m short but that’s okay. 7. I’m fairly musical, which is nice. I play flute, guitar and can sing too. 8. I set high standards for myself. I often get into a frizz when I don’t achieve them, which isn’t good but at least I care 🙂 9. My other/better half 😉 10. I’m getting better at karate all the time. 11. My attitude to life is improving as well. 12. I go through stages of creativity. 13. Most of all I like that I’m chosen by God to be one of his children. Sweet! Put your Thursday Thirteen link here. |
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Very nice! You’re right–I don’t get science fiction!
That’s awesome re: #11 🙂
I did what Denise requested, too 🙂
#6 same here!
#13 Woohoo!!! How cool is that!
Sci-fi rules! I’ve always been a geek, though. My list this week is about favorite villains, some of whom are from sci-fi works.
amen on the scifi comment. I am with you, sister!
:party: Awesome list!!!! Thanks for participating.
I’m one of the weird girls…I don’t get sci-fi. :shrug:
I like my height and my sci-fi, but while I love to sing, I would never refer to myself as musically blessed on any level–strictly an appreciation thing… 😀
I like scifi and action movies too! never thought of it as a positive attribute to myself though, but it sure does make picking a movie one less hassle, huh? :coffee:
Great list! Yay for #13!
My TT is up, too:
A great list! Sounds like you are involved in cool things: the karate, the music, etc.
Have a great Thursday!!
i’m so happy to know you are continuously willing to learn. i like that about people. i like your list. mine’s up!
Remember “small is beautiful”, I guess it applies to being short as well since I am short, lol :coffee:
Happy TT, my list is up!
Great list!!
I’m short too….
I like the chick flicks and the action movies…my hubby likes the action movies and the chick flicks-we are a good movie match!
Mine is up!
I like Dr Who (don’t really get it – but nonetheless like it) – not sure if that counts as Sci Fi.
This challenge is great. It makes you know your fellow thirteeners better. Nice knowing you.
Mine is up too.
Not sure if I get all Sci-Fi. And Fantasy confuses the heck out of me.
I’ve tried to rise to the challenge too.
Such a cool person you are 🙂 Thanks for sharing bits about you.
Happy Thursday!
amen to number 13!
I’m with you on #3 and #5, but there are some movies (guy flicks, I call’em) that my hubby likes that I don’t get. Like Caddyshack.
Give me a thriller or an action adventure anyday, though.
And #13 ROCKS!
Great list, but I like #13 most of all.
My TT is up.
Chalk me up as another female sci-fi fan. You’re not alone. 🙂
You did the challenge and came up with this wonderful list. Congratulations! I didn’t finish the challenge, so I’ll save it for another time. My TT is about birthday facts.
I like 13…i also like 3. I am a sci-fi nut! Tribble anyone?
What fun emoticons are here:
:angel: :coffee: :up:
I like action and sci-fi too; my family is into martial arts. Great job! Nice to meet you. 😀
I like #13 the best! 🙂
Great list i hate to talk about myself but i think you did great 🙂
Awesome list! You sound like one fun chick!
I love trying new things too!
I totally get #3 & #5. I LOVE sci-fi! Hate the Lifetime channel though; I’d rather have my teeth drilled. Your list was awesome. I took the challenge and labored over it for 3 whole days. That’s not good. Stop by my blog anytime…
Oooh, some girls have all the luck! (Re: #1 & #2)
Loved your list!
thanks for renting my pad this week!
Great list! And yay, you, for getting Sci-Fi! I wish I did…
I like your style.. very hip! =)
Great list! Way to go in acknowledging so many good things about yourself! 🙂
I like the fact that you like to try new things. Impressive!
My TT is up.