I saw The Lake House last night.
At church recently we’ve been having “Winter Training“. The Women’s One to One Ministry training that I was attending finished a week early so Nat and I decided to hang out while our boys went to the 4 Key Centuries/4 Key Doctrines one, otherwise known as 4-4 Hardcore 😛
I loved the movie. It was very sweet and I was really impressed with the way they dealt with the timeline.
The basis of the story is that the two main characters Alex (Keanu Reeves) and Kate (Sandra Bullock) converse by writing letters to each other and putting them in the letterbox of the lake house. The twist is that they are living two years apart. Alex is in 2004 and Kate is in 2006.
I was impressed with the way the writers managed to make the passage of time consistent. The cinematography also did this in a cute way, having the two talk to each other as if they were right there but they were really writing and couldn’t hear each other at all.
Also Sandra Bullock’s hair was good in this movie, was very impressed with how cool she looked. The red coat she wears in that last scene is totally good too.
I give it a 4.5/5 :up:
It’s a girly movie. Guys could sit through it, especially if they’re the loving and romantic kind but I suggest it would be more fun for a girl to watch it with a girlfriend and not drag your boy along only to have him ruin it for you.
In the rush to get out of the house in time to see the movie, which we did miss the first few minutes of, I forgot a jumper but decided I’d be fine. It was quite cold walking home but I coped. Half-way home I realised I didn’t have my keys either! I had grabbed my wallet and my phone and hubby locked the door on the way out. Nat and I went to Blu Water Grill, a restaurant near by for some coffee. Then the boys joined us and we had peppermint tea (to soothe my oogly tummy) and the boys got drinks too.
It was an excellent evening; good movie, great company, excellent coffee and a good laugh at my expense. 😀
:coffee:Good Morning!! I can’t wait to see that movie. I love Sandra Bullock movies so it should be a hit for me.
Cute blog you have here :up:
I always wanted to see this one as I like Sandra Bullock too. Keanu Reeves on the other hand I don’t like too much. My wife saw it with her parents and said it was a little weird and didn’t like it. I guess I have to rent it myself.
I’ve yet to watch The Lake House also. I’ll have to put aside plenty of time and tissue for it though. 🙂 The preview was so sweet.
😀 a friend and i went and saw it the first sat nite it was out – best chick flick that i have seen in a long while. not a cheesy ending and decent suspense. :up:
I just wish it was explained WHY it happened. Other than thank, I loved the movie.
I want to look like Sandra. She’s so pretty. 🙁