I just finished watching Spellbound. It was pretty good. It wasn’t a very entertaining movie but it was well done. It introduces you to each child they are documenting in a way that makes you want each to win the national spelling bee for their own individual reasons. At the end (don’t worry I’m not spoiling it – I don’t think) you hear the word that one of the kids needs to spell to be the champion and then it cuts back to all the other kids and goes through their reactions and feelings (mostly relief). During this time I was thinking “Argh! I want to know how to spell that last word.” Then I realised that they were doing something in particular here – showing how it’s important to have goals, it’s important to work hard at whatever you are endeavouring to do, it’s important to be content with your achievements. You don’t have to win – just do your best because that’s all you can do and just because you didn’t win doesn’t mean someone else is better than you, it means they are of comparable caliber and they were luckier on the day because in everything is an element of chance. Then they did show the last spell, just to say “It is nice to win when you can!”
I’ve been trying to get things sorted with Blog Explosion. They are having a few problems – don’t get me wrong, I think this is a good tool. I’ve come across some really good blogs that I return to. However things are not really working properly. No one will accept my bids to rent on their blog (this isn’t a technical difficulty, obviously). I have changed my blog look a couple of times, when I asked for a new thumbnail the first time I guess they didn’t wait for the background to load or something because it was mostly white except for my profile pick and a photo in a post. This time I requested a new thumbnail and didn’t get one. So I sent a help ticket thing and they said they’d do it manually. They were really good in replying quickly but now my thumbnail looks like this: It may be an innocent mistake but I wonder if it’s laziness on someone’s part. Did they think I wouldn’t notice that my blog is blue and my thumbnail is green? Did they think that I would like having a huge pic of a dog doing a doodle on my thumbnail?
Oh well, I’ve asked again, it might be right this time.
This is the blog I’m bidding on at the moment. It’s totally cool! I hope she (I’m pretty sure it’s a girl cos “her” fiance is “SwedeMan”) chooses me. It had a really cool design and she’s going to be showing some baby photos soon. Baby photos are cool!
MacGyver Season 1 is out on DVD. Someone told me about it last night because Stargate was mentioned and Richard Dean Anderson was the big part (or at least one of) in both series. Although it turns out that they’ve been available in the US for a while because Amazon has all of them. I would really like to get them, I used to love watching MacGyver when it was on. I don’t really remember much of it, just that I liked it.
I’m going out to dinner with a bunch of people tonight. I’m driving three people! It’s so weird because someone reversed into Hezza’s parked car the other day so she can’t drive at the moment. So I’m driving her, which means I’m driving her friend Claire and we are also picking up Sarah, I guess her parents needed the car. Usually Dave drives when it’s the two of us, sometimes I drive him to karate but I very rarely drive with anyone else in the car and now I’m driving everyone. Also designated driver doesn’t get to drink. That’s okay, I don’t mind this time cos it’s not a party but I’m not driving to a party next time there is one!
Blogging emo: bored
It does seem to me that the BE rental thing would work better as an auction. So, if you want to rent a particular space, there could be a starting bid and then everyone could continue bidding higher and higher until there was a winner. That would take away the whole “not getting picked for completely unknown reasons” problem while also giving more $$ to person renting their blogs.
Yes that’s true, although I might be at a disadvantage again because it seems that other people have more credits than me because they manage to rent out places for 150. They probably rent theirs out for more though where as I feel wrong putting mine up for more because there’s only so many clicks someone is going to get at this point.