Dreams are stupid. I haven’t had any nice ones for a long time.
Last night I dreamt I was at a Christian conference that I think was a sailing conference, but because the weather was shabby we actually stayed away from the water. The people I was with and I, only went to talks and had meals together. I lost my car key and was trying to find it when someone else found my phone and then someone else prank called me. I thought it was a new spam thing for phones, getting weird calls – I realise now that spam tries to sell stuff. One of my friends also got a prank call and I took it so I had these two weird calls, one on each ear. Then we all went down to another talk being given by someone I know and all this weird stuff started happening: a demonstration involving dancing and the guy speaker turning into an old lady. Then time jumped and everyone was gone except for a few girls who were lighting up cones. I said to them, ” Do you know that this is a Christian conference? You can’t do that here.” so they said,
“so we are not allowed here then?”
“Of course you’re allowed here, it’s just that the bible says you shouldn’t take mind altering drugs.” [actually it doesn’t say that, it says you should remain self controlled]. They just looked at me with rebellious grins so I left, with them hurling insults at me on the way out. Somehow I got back to where my friends were having dinner without any pants on and in tears.
Then I woke up and discovered I’d slept very heavily on my shoulder; it’s a bit sore.
I’m sure the hubby has some ideas about what my subconscious means by all this stuff.
That doesn’t sound like the best dream in the world. Most of the time when I dream their all choppy and jump back and forth, but I still love to find out what my subconscious is capable of.